Prayer @ the Vineyard

Come, Holy Spirit!

We put a high value on prayer at Elgin Vineyard and continually seek to prioritize it more. Jesus tells us, "And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son" (John 14:13). We love to pray for each other and for anyone who walks in the doors of our church; an opportunity is given at the end of the service each Sunday. Is your need for healing? Provision? Growth? Salvation? Whatever it is, we would love to ask the Holy Spirit to come and bless you!

Besides this prayer ministry time on Sundays, we also offer several other opportunities for our church family to pray together:

Weekly Prayer

Everyone is invited to join in our weekly prayer meetings.

Pre-Service Prayer  |  Sunday  |  9 - 9:45 am  |  Room 207
Prayer Altar  |  Monday  |  10 am - 12 pm  |  In-person and on Zoom
Moms of Adult Children Prayer Group  |  Wednesday  |  9-10 am  |  Room 207

Daily Prayer

Please join us for worship and prayer as often as you are able. Let's seek the Lord together!

Tuesday through Friday  |  6 - 7 am  |  Zoom
For the Zoom link, please contact the church office: [email protected].

Fasting & Prayer

Pastor Tom calls our church family to fast and pray once or twice a year— sometimes at the New Year and the beginning of fall, sometimes a 40-day Lenten fast. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, we observed 40 Days of Fasting & Prayer for Lent.